Thursday, April 5, 2007

Kansas health: truth in numbers

Want to know how long people are staying married in Kansas, what people in Kansas are dying from or what age group is having more babies out-of-wedlock?

Don't look to the gossip columns. Look to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, which released its 2005 Summary of Kansas Vital Statistics Tuesday. It's the most up-to-date information on Kansas birth, deaths and marriages available from the state agency.

Among other interesting facts:
- Kansans are continuing to delay marriage.
- Slightly over half of the Kansans seeking abortions were 15 to 24.
- The black infant death rate continues to be over two times higher than the rate for whites.

For the inside scoop, see the PDF report here.


Anonymous said...

You've got a bad link. 404 error, page not found

Brent Wistrom said...

Thank you for letting us know about the bad link. It should be working now.