Friday, March 30, 2007

Partisan support for nonpartisan offices

Want lower taxes, better jobs, accountability, economic growth, personal freedom and limited government? The Sedgwick County Republican Party says their folks can do it -- even in the non-partisan offices of mayor, city council and school board.

That's the message in a recent Sedgwick County Republican Party mail-out flier that says "Wichita wins with Republican principles." It lists Republicans Carlos Mayans, Sue Schlapp, Paul Gray and both Paul Tobia and Jeff Longwell for city races. Also on their list: Cindy Duckett, John Stevens, Karl Peterjohn and Jeff Davis for Wichita School Board positions. Then, the tiny asterisks: "*We encourage you to support the candidate of your choice."

It's not just the Rs showing their party colors, though. Mayoral candidate Carl Brewer, a Democrat, has also had help from his party -- most notably from former Lt. Governor Tom Docking, who was one of three prominent Democrats to endorse Brewer in a letter sent to local Dems.

For more on the partisan nature of non-partisan elections and list of candidates' registered party affiliations, see this previous post.


Republican said...

Different ideologies and viewpoints can't help but be partisan.

What would have been better is just a sheet submitted by voter groups to Candidates to show what they are for and against.

Just the facts ma'am.

Anonymous said...

Putting a label on every new turn that comes along is an old trick constantly done by the media, public relations and politicos. It means nothing and usually is an attempt to denigrate those being labeled.